Air Displays and Special Events are covered by various regulations and law, which means you and we have to comply with the various requirements to make things safe and legal.

Firstly, dont panic, its our job to do the work for you. Secondly the effort will be worthwhile!

Generally there are some common questions that people have when thinking about adding aviation to their events, we hope that the answers below will help!

Can I have a flying display for my birthday party, wedding or works event?

In short the answer is yes! Flying displays dont just take place at airshows! You can have a flying display for any event you wish providing that we can meet all the safety requirements required by the Civil Aviation Authority and that the Display Area is of suitable size for the type of display you wish to have.  We are happy to help and review your proposals.

Is it expensive?

Aviation can be expensive, however you could have a small display for around £2000 depending on the aircraft types you wish to have.  As with most things, the bigger and better you go, the more the price increases. However when you think of the impact it will have on your guests and the memories it will create,  a flying display can be that extra something to make your event even more successful.

What are the rules?

The rules and regulations are laid out in 2 documents.

The first is Civil Air Publication 403 (CAP 403) produced by the Civil Aviation Authority. In the main, your event will be covered by the CAP 403, which lays out the full requirements and permissions needed to hold a flying display at any event, large or small which is governed by the civil regulations. One of the key bits you need to know is that you will need to obtain a permission from the CAA to hold your event, for which there is a fee and it must be submitted 42 days prior to your display as a minimum. We will be happy to help you through the process.

The second document is Regulatory Article 2335 (RA2335) which is produced by the Military Aviation Authority. It mainly covers military held events however if your event only features military aircraft, it will apply to you, even if your event is held on non Ministry of Defence owned land. If your display has a mixed programme of both civilian and military aircraft, elements of RA2335 will apply in addition to CAP403.

Are there any restrictions on where a display can be held?

There are limits about where an air display can be held and we have to set and prescribe a fixed ‘Display Area’ on the permission that we submit. Display flying cannot take place above congested or occupied areas, with vertical limits being imposed over certain buildings and other types of land. We also have to take into account other Airspace users, Restricted and Controlled Airspace around and above your event site.  We will be happy to help you plan and take a look at your suggested areas to work towards your display.

Do I need to complete a Risk Assessment?

Yes! Every permission needs a risk assessment to be submitted, detailing specifically the mitigations for the flying display. These should be separate to your normal event Risk Assessment and can compliment and reference your ground based RA. The Air Display Risk Assessment must be carried out by Suitably Qualified and Experienced Persons (SQEP), however will consult the Event Organiser and other parties involved in the safety processes. We will assist in writing a bespoke Risk Assessment for you.